Week 1
1.[单选题] What are 6 types of brainstorming?
A.listing, clustering, t-chart, freewriting
B.listing, clustering, cubing, freewriting, looping, t-chart
C.freewriting, mapping, cubing, q-chart, looping, listing
D.organizing, listing, looping, freecharting, cubing, t-chart
E.organizing, cubing, researching, q-chart, freelisting, looping
At what point in the writing process should we brainstorm?
A.at the beginning
B.at the final
C.at the end
D.in the middle
3.[单选题] In which situation would a T Chart be the most effective form of brainstorming?
A.when creating formulating an argument
B.when showing the cause and effect of a situation
C.when comparing two things
D.both answers a and c
E.Do not judge your ideas at the beginning. Simply just get your ideas out.
4.[单选题] Why is brainstorming important?
A.It allows writers to analyze the writing prompt and organize their thoughts.
B.It contributes to unity and coherence of writing because it allows writers to map out their ideas.
C.all of the above
D.none of the above
Week 2
1.[单选题] Among the following choices, which one can not be used as minor supporting ideas?
2.[单选题] Outlining is ( ) in the writing process.
A.the first stage
B.the second stage
C.the third stage
D.the fourth stage
3.[单选题] How is a major supporting idea different from a minor one?
A.Major supporting ideas are more important than the minor ones.
B.Major supporting ideas are general while the minor ones are specific.
C.Major supporting ideas outnumber minor ones in a paper.
D.Major supporting ideas provide more convincing evidences than minor ones.
4.[单选题] Among the following choices, which one can not be used as major supporting ideas?
A.Points of comparison
D.Steps in a process
5.[多选题] What are the three features of a thesis statement?
A.It should have a narrow focus,
B.It can be a fact,
C.It should be an opinion,
D.it can forecasts the body paragraphs
6.[判断题] An outline is thoughts, rather than a paragraph. So we can just write down ideas rather than supporting sentences.
我的答案 :对
7.[判断题] The parallel structure is the most important thing in outline.
我的答案 :对
Week 3
1.[单选题] Can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “We have a new Math teacher. And my Math turns out to be a disaster this semester. The new Math teacher is responsible for my poor performance. ”
Apost hoc
Bguilt by association
Dbegging the question
2.[单选题] Can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “Even though it’s only the first day, I can tell this is going to be a boring course”.
Ahasty generalization
Bpost hoc
Cguilt by association
3.[单选题] Can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “Xiao Ming always cheats in exams. Xiao Ming is your friend. You always cheat in exams.”
Ahasty generalization
Bpost hoc
Cguilt by association
4.[单选题] Which one is not one of the three appeals of an argument that Aristotle postulated:
Alogical appeal
BEthical appeal
CEmotional appeal
DEmphatic appeal
5.[单选题] What is the difference between the major and minor premises?
AThe major premise is usually a more important and lengthy claim while the minor one is less important and lengthy.
BThe major premise is usually a broad and generally recognized truth, while the minor one is a more specific and narrowly applicable fact.
CMajor claim connotes minor claim.
DThe major premise major is usually a more specific and narrowly applicable fact while the minor one is a broad and generally applicable truth.
6.[单选题] Syllogism is a kind of deductive reasoning.
ADeductive reasoning (from general to specific)
BInductive reasoning (from specific to general)
7.[单选题] Can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “Traffic jam can be solved by traffic control in the downtown area.”
Apost hoc
Bguilt by association
Dbegging the question
8.[单选题] Can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “My roommate said philosophy class is boring, and I felt the same too. All philosophy classes must be boring.”
Ahasty generalization
Bpost hoc
Cguilt by association
9.[多选题] What’s the structure of introduction?
ABackground information
CThesis statement
DEvidence of Thesis statement
10.[多选题] How to convert logical syllogism into written argument ?
AProvide evidence for each premise.
BLay out each premise clearly.
CDraw a clear connection to the conclusion.
DSupport the conclusion with new evidence.
Week 4
1.[单选题] How is a point-by-point style argumentative essay different from a block style argumentative essay regarding how they disprove opposing points of view?
AWhereas only one paragraph in a block style argumentative essay will present a strong argument against an opposing view, all three paragraphs in a point-by-point style argumentative essay seek to disprove opposing points of view.
BWhereas only one paragraph in a point-by-point style argumentative essay will present a strong argument against an opposing view, all three paragraphs in a block style argumentative essay seek to disprove opposing points of view.
CWhereas all three paragraphs in a block style argumentative essay seek to disprove opposing points of view, only one paragraph in an argumentative point-by-point style essay will present a strong argument against an opposing view.
DWhereas all three paragraphs in a point-by-point style argumentative essay seek to disprove opposing points of view, in a block style argumentative essay there are no strong arguments against an opposing view.
2.[单选题] What is one advantage of the block style of writing?
AIt allows the writer to fully present two of the aspects of a subject in one paragraph without any interruption or influence from other ideas or topics.
BIt allows the writer to fully present all of the aspects of a subject in one paragraph with many interruptions or influences from other ideas or topics.
CIt allows the writer to fully present all of the aspects of a subject in one paragraph without any interruption or influence from other ideas or topics.
DIt allows the writer to fully present four ideas or topics in one paragraph without any interruption or influence from the subject.
3.[单选题] What are two ways that we can organize paragraphs according to this presentation?
Aintroduction, body, and conclusion
Bblock style and point-by-point style
Csummative and narrative
Dpoint-by-point style and comparative style
4.[单选题] What is a characteristic of point by point style writing?
AWriters can focus on comparing things through unique lenses or perspectives in each paragraph.
BThe writer can focus on completely explaining one subject in each paragraph.
CThe writer will personalize or reflect on the comparison made in the third paragraph.
DThe use of an introduction and conclusion are unique to this style of writing.
5.[多选题] When looking at our writing, we should ask ourselves if we are ________ two things from a certain perspective or ________ one subject.
Week 5
1.[单选题] Which of the following is not a reason to provide proper citation?
ATo show our hard work and all of the research that we’ve done
BTo plagiarize (using another person’s words or ideas without giving them proper credit)
CTo establish our credibility as a writer
DTo allow readers to find more information about our ideas
2.[单选题] When making citations at the end of a text, which lines must be indented?
AAll lines except the first line
BAll lines except the last line
CThe first line
DThe second line
3.[单选题] What are the two most commonly used citation styles?
AModern Language Association & American Psychological Association
BSocial Sciences & Liberal Arts and Humanities
CCitation and Plagiarism
DMultiple Language Association & American Physiology Association
4.[单选题] In which situations should we use citation?
AQuoting, Summarizing, Proverbs
BParaphrasing, Quoting, Common Knowledge
CCommon Knowledge, Quoting, Better safe than sorry
DSummarizing, Paraphrasing, Quoting
5.[单选题] Which style of citation is the most specific and why?
AMLA requires the date of publication because they focus more on the Liberal arts and Humanities, and research in this field is only catalogued by year.
BAPA because they focus more on the Liberal arts, and research in this field is only catalogued by year.
CAPA requires the date of publication because they focus more on the scientific realm, and research in this field is always changing.
DThese two popular styles of citation are pretty much the same, and one does not require more details than the other.
6.[单选题] Which of these is an example of MLA Citation?
A(Stone 15)
B(Stone, 2014, p. 15) is an example of MLA Citation
7.[单选题] What are the two locations where citations can be found in a paper?
AAfter quotes and summarizing
BAt the beginning of the paper and at the end of the paper
CIn text or at the end of the text
DTo support your writing and to avoid plagiarism
8.[单选题] What does procrastination mean?
ASupporting the efforts of others
BGetting things done early
CWriting down references
Dleaving things until the last moment
Week 6
1.[单选题] Why is it better to use a strong verb than to use a noun?
ANouns show action
BNouns are informal.
CVerbs show action
DVerbs are informal.
2.[单选题]How do we tighten sentences?(排序)
1、reflect on the logical relationship among sentence and ideas.
2、look for words that don’t do their share of the work
3、use strong verbs
4、Keep it clear and simple
3.[单选题]What are three synonyms for the word “say” (use a thesaurus)?
Amention, denigrate, proclaim
Benunciate, exhume, clarify
Cinculcate, state, pontificate
Dallege, opine, verbalize
4.[单选题] Why should we be careful of the word be?
A“Be” allows for the use of adjectives which are not descriptive.
B“Be” is rarely used in written English.
C“Be” is often confused for “bee”.
D“Be” is often used in a passive manner and does not show action.
5.[多选题] What are the three ways to create powerful descriptive language?
Ause of adjecitves
Bparallel structure
Cvaried sentence structure
Dtheme and rheme
6.[多选题] When we say “sentence variety”, what can we vary?
Asentence length
Bsentence opening
Csentence ending
Dsentence structure
Week 7
1.[单选题] Which grammatical cohesion strategy has been used in the following paragraph? I see traces of the turtle soup, and vension, and gold spoon in this. Yes, I do! Cried Mr. Bounderby, shaking his head with obstinate cunning. ‘By the Lord Harry, I do.’
2.[单选题] Which one is not a grammatical cohesion strategy?
3.[单选题] Which thematic progression pattern has been used in this paragraph? Hemp’s environmental credentials are indisputable. It grows better in organic systems than in conventional ones. It smothers weeds and controls pests, clearing the land for other crops. It improves the structure of the soil, with strong roots to prevent erosion. If processed in the field, it returns nutrients to the land and purports to ‘clean up’ soil contaminated with heavy metals. It is one of a minority of textile-fibre crops that can be grown in temperate climates. So why, given its potential, is so little hemp used today? (New Internationalist, June 1998, p. 14)
Asimple linear progression
Bsplit progression
Cconstant progression
Dderived hyperthematic progression
4.[单选题] What does “hyponymy” refers to?
Athe parts and whole
Bthe superordinate and subordinate
Cequivalence in meaning
Dopposition in meaning
5.[单选题] Which thematic progression pattern has been used in this paragraph? The inventor of the diode valve was Fleming. He made use of the fact, first noticed by Edison, that an electric current could be made to flow across the empty space between the hot filament of an electric lamp and another metal electrode placed inside the evacuated bulb. This effect depends upon the thermionic emission of electrons from the heated metal filament. (W. P. Jolly, (1972). Electronics, p. 61)
Asimple linear progression
Bsplit progression
Cconstant progression
Dderived hyperthematic progression
6.[单选题] Which one is more coherent?(仅填A或B即可)
AThe most striking example of value rigidity I can think of is the old south Indian Monkey Trap, which depends on value rigidity for its effectiveness. A hollowed-out coconut chained to a stake makes the trap. A monkey can put its hand though a small hole in the coconut and grab some rice inside. The monkey can put its hand into the hole but cannot take its fist out with rice in it. The monkey's value rigidity traps it when it reaches in. The rice cannot be revalued. He cannot see that freedom without rice is more valuable than capture with it.
BThe most striking example of value rigidity I can think of is the old south Indian Monkey Trap, which depends on value rigidity for its effectiveness. The trap consists of a hollowed-out coconut chained to a stake. The coconut has some rice inside which can be grabbed through a small hole. The hole is big enough so that the monkey's hand can go in, but too small for his fist with rice in it to come out. The monkey reaches in and is suddenly trapped - by nothing more than his own value rigidity. He can't revalue the rice. He cannot see that freedom without rice is more valuable than capture with it.
Which lexical cohesion strategy has been used in the following paragraph? ‘NOW, what I want is, Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else, and root out everything else. You can only form the minds of reasoning animals upon Facts: nothing else will ever be of any service to them. …Stick to Facts, Sir!’
8.[单选题] Which lexical cohesion strategy has been used in the following paragraph? A big tree with a thick trunk and outspread branches was nearby, and taking care to leave not the slightest mark, he climbed up into the crotch, and stretching out on one of the broad limbs, after a fashion, rested…Something was coming through the bush, slowly, carefully, the same winding way Rainsford had come. He flattened himself down on the limb and through a screen of leaves, saw it was a man.
9.[单选题] Which lexical cohesion strategy has been used in the following paragraph? He fell asleep. What woke him was a loud crash.
10.[多选题] What is the purpose of using cohesion strategies?
Ato connect the writing as a whole
Bto flow smoothly from one idea to the next one
Cto ensure the accuracy of writing
Dto bring out more ideas as inspiration
Week 8
1.[单选题] Which one is more formal? (请从A和B里选择即可)
AThis is to inform you that your book has been rejected by our publishing company as it was not up to the required standard. In case you would like us to reconsider it, we would suggest that you go over it and make some necessary changes.
BYou know that book I wrote? Well, the publishing company rejected it. They thought it was awful. But hey, I did the best I could, and I think it was great. I’m not gonna redo it the way they said I should.
2.[单选题] Which ones have used nominalization?
AI do not understand either her meaning or his intention.
BI do not understand either what she means or what he intends.
CThe fact that I denied what he accused me of impressed the jury.
DMy denial of his accusations impressed the jury.
3.[判断题] Nominalization is to turn a verb or an adjective into a noun.
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